Any person who wishes to bring a family matter before the court is expected to attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) before issuing court proceedings. There are some exceptions to this, which a solicitor will explain if it applies to you.
The purpose of a MIAM is to offer clients a chance to consider what options are available for resolving their issues, and whether court proceedings are the best way for the family to deal with them. A MIAM is not compulsory mediation; instead it is a compulsory meeting to consider whether mediation or some other process would be the right way forward.
MIAMs can be held remotely online, via Zoom.
The cost of a MIAM is £150 plus VAT.
Legal Aid and MIAMs
As a private mediation practice we do not offer Legal Aid. However Legal Aid is available for MIAMs (from other services in Kent) but this depends an individual’s capital and income. If one of the parties involved in the dispute is assessed as being eligible for Legal Aid, then the first mediation session for the private fee-paying client will be covered by Legal Aid. If you think you may be eligible please go to legal-aid-checker.justice.gov.uk.