Separated Parenting

What is the course about?

This is an online half-day workshop for separated parents led by UK parenting expert Denise Ingamells.

The course is being run online using Zoom from 10am – 2.30pm. Please enquire about dates.

Alongside the need to resolve finances, the separating family is going through a transition in the way they live. Children who have lived with parents together are adapting to being with their parents separately, in different spaces at different times.  The way in which this transition is managed is vitally important for children in the family.

This workshop aims to help you adapt to living apart and manage your communication in order to ensure the best outcomes for your children.

How to register:

Contact us to discuss the course and for further information regarding dates and costs.

Email us at or call us on 01892 506906.

I would like to thank you for the time you have spent in achieving in 4 hours, what we never achieved in 4 months. I think it is by far a much better process than solicitors and court.

I honestly feel that we now have a good chance of proceeding in an amicable way that hopefully in time will become a friendship with the children at its core. I do not think we would have achieved this through solicitors, and feel huge gratitude for your patience and gentleness.

It’s so much better to go through this process together in a calm and neutral setting, rather than being defensive at home or seeing a solicitor individually. You’ve been a great adviser on a tricky topic and the meetings were really productive.

Throughout this whole horrible process we have both felt that the system is designed to leave us hating each other and to have had your support in helping us get to this point has meant a great deal, so thank you for your support of us both and for reflecting everything so well.

Thank you for all you have done to make a very sad and painful process somewhat less painful!

Thanks for all your help. We are talking a lot more and generally getting on much better, we even stood next to each other at rugby AND are going to parents’ evening together!

You did more in 4 hours than our lawyers had done in 1 year. For that I am very grateful.